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Brief: Independent evaluation of the Government of Namibia/United Nations Population Fund 6th Country Programme 2019 – 2023

Brief: Independent evaluation of the Government of Namibia/United Nations Population Fund 6th Country Programme  2019 – 2023
Brief: Independent evaluation of the Government of Namibia/United Nations Population Fund 6th Country Programme  2019 – 2023


UNFPA Namibia

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UNFPA Namibia


Brief: Independent evaluation of the Government of Namibia/United Nations Population Fund 6th Country Programme 2019 – 2023

Publication date

06 March 2023

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This Brief presents the evaluation of the Government Republic of Namibia/United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Sixth Country Programme, (2019-2023) which was completed in November 2022. The evaluation was managed by the Country Office (CO) in close collaboration with the UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) and conducted by an independent evaluation team. The Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) objectives are five-fold: 1) to provide an independent assessment of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of UNFPA support; 2) to provide an assessment of the geographic and demographic coverage of UNFPAhumanitarian assistance and the ability of UNFPA to connect immediate, lifesaving support with long-term development objectives; 3) to provide an assessment of the role played by theCO in the coordination mechanisms of the UN Country Team (UNCT), with a view to enhancing the UN collective contribution to national development results; 4) to provide an assessment of the role of the CO in the coordination mechanisms of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), with a view to improving humanitarian response and ensuring contribution to longer-term recovery; and 5) to draw key conclusions from past and current cooperation and provide a set of clear, forward-looking and actionable recommendations for the next programme cycle.