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Invitation/Call for Proposals for Gender Equality/Combating Gender Based Violence (GBV)

Invitation/Call for Proposals for Gender Equality/Combating Gender Based Violence (GBV)


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The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of Gender Equality/Combating Gender Based Violence (GBV) activities under the UNFPA 6th Country Programme in partnership with the EU across national and sub-national levels in Namibia. The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify and select eligible civil society organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Namibia in partnership with EU to support the achievement of results outlined in section 1.3 below.

Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “CSO Invitation for Proposals – Gender Equality/Combating Gender Based Violence (GBV)” at the following email address:  namibia-procurement@unfpa.org ; By 24 June 2024, COB


Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will not be accepted for consideration.


Applications must be submitted in English. Organisations can bid for either one or more of the priority areas (detailed in section 1.3) depending on their mandate, capacity and technical expertise and presence of operating in the target regions of this project.  Please specify the areas of interest clearly on the title of the proposals and email subject.


Any requests for additional information must be addressed in writing by 17 June  2024 at the latest to namibia-procurement@unfpa.org.  UNFPA will post responses to queries or clarification requests by any CSO applicants who submitted on UNFPA Namibia website (https://namibia.unfpa.org/en) , before the deadline for submission of applications.

UNFPA shall notify only selected organisations for further action.

Please see Working with UNFPA: Key information for UNFPA Implementing Partners on completing the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Assessment.


Section 1: Background

1.1 UNFPA mandate

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, and every young person's potential is fulfilled.

1.2 UNFPA Programme of Assistance in  Namibia

In Namibia, UNFPA works with the government and other partners based on the UNFPA Country Programme under the current 6th Country Programme 2019-2024 for Namibia and specific Action in partnership with EU until 2027. This Action is in line with the 2030 Agenda, global policy reforms, the National Gender Equality Policy, and the National GBV Action Plan that promote gender equality and equity, empowerment of women and girls, with a commitment to leave no one behind. By supporting systems strengthening with focus on the most vulnerable population, the EU can make a direct and positive impact on GBV survivors and their families, national bodies, law enforcement agencies, and civil society organisations that work in this area. Without significant improvement in addressing GBV, the worrying trend of the past decade will continue, and it is crucial to take immediate action to combat this issue.

Further information on the country programme can be found on



1.3 Specific results

In line with EU project document, UNFPA will partner with local non-profit making Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) active in the area of social protection, gender equality, combating GBV, health, education and advocacy, supporting the provision of care and support to GBV survivors and strengthening the community networks for GBV prevention and response. The CSOs will support GBV prevention and response efforts in target regions/communities through the individual capacity development, advocacy, service provision and support with compilation of relevant community based data and reports.

The purpose of the partnership is to support the implementation of the Priorities of the GBV Action Plan of Namibia(https://mgepesw.gov.na/archive-/-downloads/-/document_library/53FAEAFEe5nn/view_file/1461550) and specifically in contribution to the following Gender Equality/Combating Gender Based Violence (GBV) project objectives:

Objectives (overall, specific objectives and outputs)

Overall Objective / Impact: 

By 2027 Contributed to reduction of GBV in targeted regions of Namibia (National level with specific interventions at subnational level in Zambezi, Ohangwena, Khomas, Kunene, and Omaheke regions)

Specific Objective / Outcome 1:  By 2027 national and subnational institutions have strengthened systems for GBV prevention and response

Output 1.1:     Multi–stakeholders’ coordination mechanisms for GBV prevention and response at national and subnational are strengthened

Output 1.2:     Strengthened institutional capacity for GBV response at national and subnational levels

Output 1.3:     Quality, disaggregated data on GBV collected, analysed and used in line with international standards to inform laws, policies and programmes


Specific Objective / Outcome 2:  By 2027 selected communities are better empowered to address gender and socio-cultural norms that perpetuate GBV

Output 2.1:     Strengthened multi-sectoral community structures for prevention and management of GBV

Output 2.2:     CSOs have capacity to implement GBV prevention and response programmes

Output 2.3:     Communities are engaged and capacitated to foster positive gender and social norms to prevent GBV


Specific Objective / Outcome 3:  By 2027 GBV survivors and persons at risk have increased access to and utilise GBV prevention and response services

Output 3.1:     Service providers have increased capacity to deliver quality GBV services

Output 3.2:     GBV survivors and persons at risk have increased access to integrated essential services and safe shelters


Further information about UNFPA and related programme can be found https://namibia.unfpa.org/en



Section 2: Application requirements and timelines

2.1 Documentation required for the submission

The expression of interest shall include the following documentation:

  1. Copy of provisions of legal status of the CSO in in the Republic of Namibia [Required to be eligible for review]
  2.   Annex I  – CSO Profile and Programme Proposal
  3. Latest annual report and audit report as separate documents or hyperlink to the documents.

2.2 Indicative timelines

Invitation for Proposal issue date

13 June 2024

Deadline for submissions of proposals

24 June 2024

Deadline for requests of additional information/ clarifications

17 June 2024

Review of CSO submissions

01 July  2024

Notification of results communicated to CSO

08 July 2024


Section 3: Process and timelines

3.1 Review & evaluation of CSO submissions

Applications will be assessed by a review panel to identify organisations that have the required knowledge, experience, skills, and capacity to support achievement of results using criteria outlined in section 3.2 below.


It should be noted, however, that participation in this Invitation for Proposals does not guarantee the organisation will be selected for partnership with UNFPA. Selected CSOs will be invited to enter into an implementing partner agreement and applicable UNFPA programme policy and procedures will apply.




3.2 Selection criteria

Eligible organisations will be selected in a transparent and competitive manner, based on their capacity to ensure the highest quality of service, including the ability to apply innovative strategies to meet programme priorities in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.


UNFPA Namibia Country Office will review evidence provided by the CSO submission and evaluate applications based on the following criteria:


NB: Any proposal not submitted in specified working language will be excluded from consideration.



Governance & Leadership

  • The organisation has a clearly defined mission and goals that reflect the organisation’s structure and context, as well as alignment to UNFPA priority areas.
  • Organisation does not have a history of fraud, complaints or service delivery issues.

Human Resource

  • Organisation has sufficient staff resources and technical expertise to implement the proposed activities.
  • Organisation does not have conflicts of interest with UNFPA or its personnel that cannot be effectively mitigated.


Comparative Advantage

  • The organisation’s mission and/or strategic plan focuses on at least one of the UNFPA’s programme areas.
  • The organisation has experience in the country or field and enjoys prominence in areas related to UNFPA’s mandate.
  • The organisation has a proven track record in implementing similar activities and is seen as credible by its stakeholders and partners.
  • The organisation has relevant community presence and ability to reach the target audience; especially vulnerable populations and hard-to-reach areas.



  • The organisation has systems and tools in place to systematically collect, analyse and use programme monitoring data



  • The organisation has established partnerships with the government and other relevant local, international and private sector entities.
  • The organisation has the capacity to advocate Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda at national and local level.


Environmental Considerations

  • The organisation has established policies or practices to reduce the environmental impact of its activities. If no policies exist, the organisation must not have a history of its activities causing negative impact to the environment.

3.3 Prospective partnership agreement

UNFPA will inform all applicants of the outcome of their submissions in writing to the email/ postal address indicated in the CSO submission.